
If you are searching for a reliable transportation service in the United States, get in touch with us today.

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Owner Operators

At BH Trans we believe that our owner-operators are our partners. We treat them like our family.

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We are always on the lookout for friendly and knowledge personnel to meet the needs of our customers.

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Always The Best Price

At BH Trans we will always offer you the safest, most efficient, and most affordable shipping experience.

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Years Of Experience

Our goal is to give you the best trucking transportation service on the North American continent.

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Why should you use BH Trans to move your freight? We believe that we have several reasons that shippers chose us over other trucking companies.

• BH Transportation understands the importance of operating in accordance with all of the traffic and safety laws regarding the trucking industry. Trucks are regulated at federal and state levels, and we guarantee that our drivers will always operate within these guidelines when moving your freight.

• Our drivers have the right type of experience to move your loads. One of the reasons that BH Transportation has expanded so rapidly is that we have brought in drivers with a wide variety of experience and knowledge to move all types of freight.

• We can move any type of load. From your standard dry van shipment to specialty shipments that need special handling. Our drivers and equipment are always ready to move your freight, regardless of what you are shipping.

• We understand that freight does not move only between 9am and 5pm. We can dispatch your freight 24/7 so that your shipments are always moving when you want them to move.

• We offer fair pricing on all of our shipments. We understand that cost is always a factor for moving freight. We offer fair pricing to our clients while still paying competitive wages to our drivers.

• We are always available to answer your questions. We know the trucking industry, and we are happy to share this knowledge with you.

If you need help figuring out how to move your product the best and most cost-effective way, our reps are there to help.

If you are looking for a freight movement company dedicated to providing superior customer service from the initial quote until the moment your freight arrives at its destination, you want BH Trans.

BH Transportation services the lower 48 states and can move your freight effectively and affordably. Our experienced drivers are dedicated to their jobs, and we are dedicated to our clients.

Our company was founded by seasoned truck drivers that understand the importance of satisfying customers as well as keeping employees happy.

We work hard to build our client relationships, and we are only satisfied when you are pleased with our service.

We know that there are many competitors in this field, so we work to make ourselves stand apart from other companies.

We know that you will see the difference in our pricing and overall performance.

If you have any questions about shipping freight or would like a quote for your freight movement, please contact one of our customer service reps.

We will provide you with the best possible options for moving your freight at a very affordable price.

For More Information, Please Call:  (224) 999-9009